Small Ship Experience

After the Big wet Monsoon 2025

We have a job ahead to dry out the ship

Evict the nesting and resting pigeons and their droppings

Open up get ready for Easter and beyond

Magnetic Island Marina

Nelly Bay


First opening of the ‘container’ eggs manifest and set for 2025

Netted ‘salvaged’ from Wet tropical storage to temperate dry tropical keeping place in South Townsville.

Management and Vision

thoughts and feelings

entropy versus a force of nature

Ship meets catastrophic force majeure ; material recovered from the Great Barrier Reef and Islands before the historic shipwreck Act of 1976

Ben Cropp bronze and ballast cargo

Collection ; Aarhus Bega Cato Gothenburg Mermaid Pandora Porpoise Sir Charles Eaton

Cambus-Wallace Merchant Endeavour Jennie Deane’s

Bounty or Pandora’s Box

Dates and times TBA

shipwreck relic stations of dramatic unfolding dilemma in diorama

New Years nativity

October shift

After over a year in the planning, and with the generous support of Ports North , the AMSA recovery crew, IAS fine art logistics team, Bells Cranes, REV Cranes, LK Drain heavy Haulage and the TMML / CMM volunteers , the shipwreck museum artefacts and Ben Cropp collection have arrived in Townsville.

Yongala , Cato, Endeavour just to begin with….

Cairns return of Members

Shipwreck Museum Containers to travel to Townsville Maritime Museum
Light House Artefacts to return to AMSA
Ben Cropp Legacy and Provenance preserved
Floating Museum stories proposal
Pearling Industry … Life on the Line… Coral Sea Exhibition…


Hector opened the door to our visit thank you Hector and Colleagues.

CMM @ Netherland National Maritime Museum

Royal Barge jolly boat meets Pearl of the Coral Sea HB