Cairns return of Members

Shipwreck Museum Containers to travel to Townsville Maritime Museum
Light House Artefacts to return to AMSA
Ben Cropp Legacy and Provenance preserved
Floating Museum stories proposal
Pearling Industry … Life on the Line… Coral Sea Exhibition…


Hector opened the door to our visit thank you Hector and Colleagues.

CMM @ Netherland National Maritime Museum

Royal Barge jolly boat meets Pearl of the Coral Sea HB

2023 Mid year report to members and friends

Biennial maintenance work on Slipway in October 2022,
Superb prep job by the historic Townsville boatyard and International Paint Products applied by our two excellent international work experience volunteers Olaf and Michael, guided by the leading hands of Capt Iris and Capt Jon.

It made our return to the water the big splash of the season.
Since then Bulwalks Scuppers and non slip deck coatings are on track to finish in June.
To the sunset and beyond

Horseshoe Bay Home Base HB CMM Inc


A Reef in captivity

Please view this Sea –Simulator in Panorama. Essentially max enlarge this image of a captive reef at AIM5 Today 14/04/2023

A selective climate and Sea-sim Facility challenge.

For the past 12 months RRAP has been putting reef restoration and adaptation proposals under pique review.

A Days Work

In the not so very recent past a half life time ago when we were searching for where we are going. Before ipoD Days before Garmin I remember that because I was at sea and my Day’s work was to find my X : my lat/long : my updated last position X/Y

Assuming that l got yesterday’s X within reason, l had to deduce reckon from a log of course and speed over 24 hrs from 16.00 hrs PZX yesterday until Today.

A sextant sun sight to capture the horizon angle @ 10.00am c/f. an afternoon 14.00 solar angle, Can actually put you @ X. After a days work.

X Somewhere important along a Line of Position, and in a bit of a cocked hat of uncertainty you are about there on a paper chart.

Plotted by instruments l played Compass & HB pencil.

I would proceed from standing on deck with a time and an angle , to work on , with my almanac and sight reduction tables , reduce and deduce and with HB pencil produce , a Line of Position.