Return of Members

Covid restrictions and mandates set the agenda for our play dates…

Being a member of a small museum means contact and feedback and members returning …

Our Crew Trainers have international and domestic experience with Traditional Sailing systems and Ocean Navigation …

SCUBA diving as sport to careers in Reef Restoration practices …


September 2021

Boathouse Houseboat somewhere magnetic

Central to the GBR.

3 guesses ..

Scuppers the Seagoose


NFA Endangered Species Watch


1989 Pearl Lugger Cup winner

Ruby Charlott

From the pages of Tradeaboat July 1983

Opportunity to aquire one of the last seagoing Pearl Luggers from the remaining East Coast pearling fleet.

Our first rescue boat effort.


The HB is a Gaff rigged Schooner built by Japanese shipwright Shotaro Tachibana
in 1938/9 on Thursday Island.
In 1993 the vessel was acquired and rebuilt sistering and refastening 26 frames stem to stern.
New deck beams and beam shelving followed and a new deck laid with reconstruction of cabin trunks and hatches to new and original condition.
During the 1938 construction the vessel plans were modified to install the first engine of many she would have over time.

HB worked as a conscripted Army Lugger #AL253 during WW2 and post war from Weipa to the Torres Straits as Pearling Lugger A82.
CMM and partners MER Training operate the ship as a living and learning Sea museum, displaying life as a floating pearling station and flagship of the Coral Sea fleet sailing among the North East Barrier Reef and coastal Port towns.
Learn the Ropes
Learn the Lines
Half hitches and whole knots
Reef knots and slippery knots
Blocks and tackles , with multiple purchase,
Snatch blocks to barber haul
Nautical terms from Bow to Stern
Port and Starboard Forward , astern
Halyards to haul the yards, throat and peak halyards setting this gaff rig sail plan,
Braces, sheets and tacks to control the trim in setting the sails and understanding them. When to reef and when to tack or when to gybe or stand aback.
From these the first principles with you on the crew you can gain the experience of a lifetime or two.

CMM Membership Subscriptions from 50.00 / month or 500.00 annually

To Sea or not to Sea

So it goes our background has been a 1/2 life-time spent, with most days on the GBR in a patch of reef that has blossomed and bloomed and been devoured by COTS and local fishers over time, and recovered and changed, but the evidence remains of our ‘light touch’ over time.
Ecology Reconstruction was a foundation in the mid Eighties and Giant Clams the key stone species and the subject of the research of a global population in decline. An experimental captive breeding and First farmed population renewal was attempted in full view but who knew.
The first farmed F1 crop of Clams are still with us in clusters and drop zones we have now time to visit.
So register your interest in 2021 its Game on from here on, so if we have your attention.

Lets see if we can paint a bit, Sail the ship , plant the tree, skip the rope, Set us free
All together now.

Conditions apply

Membership applIcations

[email protected]

Notorious Carbonate

Notorious in the neighourhood

Notorious in the neighourhood
Life comes to those not afraid to dare
Truth or dare, dare to dream
From a time when the Portuguese were building Ports for sailing trade routes
A Belt and road for trade, sounds familiar,
History is always repeating reminding those who are listening that we must learn from mistakes in order to prevent a repeating.
Reset the great reset, achieved by
Corona, a crowning achievement,
but to return to the business as usual model will be our undoing as human beings.
Don’t take my word for it, listen to the science
A Carbon bubble of fossil legacy Carbon released in our half life times,
Is focussed on warming things up.
Can we return to our dream Goldilocks climate Just right for just how long if we just don’t wake up.
Ice caps are liquid, it’s not a good achievement
Tipping points debated, not a good firmament
Foundations getting funded without tender or due process
Foundations set on money are as shifty as the sand is,
A Rock of carbon we call Coal is equally suspiscious
A Coral rock is a firmament and naturally productive habitat
Who of us debates the truth is endangering all this and that.
Duyfken asking for right of passage.