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Meet us on Magnetic Island
Make plans with you in mind
Sovereign assumption of risk
Make time to go back in time
Repair and heal the disconnect
Water therapy rejuvenation.
Breath taking reality.

Back in the Field

CMM / MER training have renewed the GBRMPA permit to include all management sections in the GBR Marine Park and by way of research were in the field this week amongst the islands of the Whitsunday Passage..
Full Moon nights and extreme tides were
used to best advantage as we attempted to find the Sites of the Turtle and Manta ray underwater art… Including the
Reef Ecologic Coral fragmentation restoration installation at Blue pearl bay.
Camera issues prevent images but the
Awesome Rent a Yacht vessel had some great features to advance chart work from HB pencils to high tech pixels..
We hope to collaborate with Sunsail Whitsunday again for future Sail and Divemaster workshops.
Unconditional thanks to Jim Korosek and the team at the Shute Harbour H.Q.
Whitsunday Rent-a-Yacht/ Sun Sails Intl.

AGM Return of the Committee

Minutes of the AGM 03/11/2019

13.00 Meeting opened, Skype in DC , MT,  AJ, JB accepts Apologies from those not present,

Executive retire from positions  and nominations called.

Nominations for President called from quorum, Iris Bom nominated by JB, seconded DC, passed unaminously

Nominations for Secretary called from quorum, JB nominated by DC, seconded IB, passed unaminously

Nominations for Treasurer called from the floor, DC nominated by JB, seconded IB  passed unaminously

Thanks to all concerned , meeting adjourned 13.15 Sunday 03/11/2019.

We try to reach out to the sea  country’s mind

With a vessel like this, quite hard to find,

So let us remind ourselves of this Kodak moment,

When reefs were not in  trouble, not resembling the  rubble,

Back to back bleaching, two  serious summer heat bubbles

So let us consider a future with warming consider resilience consider this warning.

Ecosystem restoration or ecosystem collapse. Reset the reset button to rewind the trend.

The riggers Art

We try to touch this country’s mind
It’s ships like this, quite hard to find
But come to grips with but half her purpose
When thinking of these ships
That art, untouched by softness
All that line drawn rigging
Hard drawn to weather to stand the test of time
Standing that art of masts
Sail crowded, fit to break,
Yet stayed to strength and back stayed into rake.
They mark our passage as a race of men
Earth will not see such ships as those again.

Time travel from past to present

After a time that we will call a Maritime we conquered space and time and landed on the moon.
Humanity is on a course with the captains of industry and trade directing the use of resources and technology, like it or not.
Sea country voyaging continues to expand horizons and skills and knowledge of the GBR in masterclasses upon a stage that has lasted through the oceans of time.

MER Training SCUBA

Evidence suggests a seventy five year old Shipwreck is recognised as a Museum under the sea

A Museum of Underwater Art contemporarily opens up the gallery space

Access to Snorkellers  and Divers alike,